About Us

The Spalding & District Civic Society was founded in 1960. Registered as a Charity in 1969, we encourage and promote Civic Pride in Spalding. We do this by:-


  • Keeping a watching brief on local planning applications and opposing damaging and poor-quality development
  • Working constructively with the South Holland District Council, but making a critical stand where necessary
  • Promoting and defending the vitality of the Town Centre
  • Giving evidence at public inquiries
  • Keeping abreast of best practice in town planning and urging its adoption locally
  • Planting trees to enhance the environment and promoting conservation awareness
  • Floating ideas for the regeneration of run-down sites
  • Undertaking surveys 
  • Reviewing listed buildings and the Conservation Area

We are a member of Civic Voice the national charity for the civic movement in England. 


The aims of Civic Voice are to make places more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive, and to promote civic pride.

Website Highlights

Projects & Campaigns

Find out about the projects & campaigns that the Society are currently working on including our views on the regeneration of Spalding Town Centre. 


The MARK-IT Trail is the next stage of our ongoing joint Market Art Project with Transported Art to bring artworks into the town centre recalling the towns past as a market for all forms of livestock and produce. 

Spalding Town Council

Would a Town Council make a difference to Spalding? We set out what powers a Town Council could potentially have in order to kickstart an informed debate.

Blue Plaque Scheme

Find out about our Blue Plaque Scheme, and those who are the been awarded one. You may be surprised just who has been connected with the town.

Of interest

Here you will find articles of particular interest about Spalding and it's rich heritage.

What the papers said

A collection of news reports of events that have historical significance to Spalding.

Latest Newsletter


MARK-IT Trail update, Spalding BID outcome, and one eyesore fixed.



Our new Committee members.



How we made our choice for the first two commissions in the MARK-IT Trail.



More about the air raid shelter.



They appreciated what the town has to offer.



In the news...

Spalding Civic Society says former Johnson Hospital in Priory Road should be listed as historic asset

Full story here  (Spalding Today)


Spalding Civic Society calls for action against 'garish' vinyl shop fronts following Poundland application

Full story here (Spalding Today)


'We need to make the most of Hall Place in Spalding'

Our President's vision for Hall Place

Full story here (Spalding Today)


Gaming company can’t just bully their way into Spalding"
Our Chair writes about the efforts of Merkur Slots to open a gaming centre in the heart of Spalding
Full story here (Spalding Today)

Spalding's new statue reflects agricultural heritage when farmers said: "You're hired"

Full story here (Spalding Today)...


The Hiring gets its unveiling

Full story here (The Spalding and South Holland Voice)...


Tributes to our former Secretary, Marion Brassington

Full story here (Spalding Today)




Livestock markets used to take place in the very heart of Spalding. Discover our vision for a unique trail of sculptures and art works that will recall that heritage in a unique way through the completion of our longstanding Market Art Project


Over the years we have commented on many planning applications. In some cases we have managed to secure changes to the applications, which in others we have not been successful, Sometimes we have prepared lengthy submissions which disappear from the the Council's planning porta after a decision has been made.


Rather than see our submissions be lost to history, this page will catalogue our more significant submissions and their outcome.

History will then be able to judge our position and that of the planning authority when a development becomes reality.

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Registered Charity No. 259956

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