Shortlisted Artists

The Project to bring sheep, cattle and pigs back to the town centre – albeit as high quality art works – is under way again. The commission was advertised a few weeks ago via professional outlets and social media. Seventeen artists responded, from Devon to North Yorkshire. Even one from France.The shortlist of seven was drawn up on 25 March.


But it was not just photographs of their previously commissioned artworks elsewhere that had to be considered in making the selection. A condition of our grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund was that the submissions should also provide evidence of the artists' ability to engage the community in the creation of the sculptures or murals, via people’s recollections of the livestock auctions, for example, or hands-on workshops.


The shortlisted artists are given alphabetically below, and the next stage is for each to come up with a specific proposal for one or both of the sites – Longstaff’s corner in New Road (cattle), The Sheepmarket (sheep) – along with computer images, drawings and maquettes.


Fair Winds and Following Seas,New Quay, Ceredigion, Wales

David Appleyard
- lives in Sheffield. Commissioned public art works there, and in Merthyr Tidfyl, New Quay and elsewhere. Works in timber, metal, glass, stone, resin. Created a temporary sound sculpture for the Ice House at Norton Priory Museum and Gardens.


"Cranogwen", Llangrannog, Ceredigion, Wales

Sebastien Boyesen
- lives in Lincolnshire, went to school in Peterborough, knows Spalding well. Public art works commissioned by Newport City Council, Neath Borough Council (Port Talbot), Doncaster City Council, and others. Stone, tiles, bronze, welded steel, resin, glass, high tech lighting. Particularly enjoys sculpting animals.


Anthony Hopkins in clay

Harley Budd
- lives in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. Has worked extensively in film and TV props departments, seeking to diversify now into public art. Clay sculpting, wood carving, resin.


Granite Sheep Scammonden Reservoir, West Yorkshire

Michael Disley
- lives in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire. Works in granite. Work commissioned for Leeds City Centre, Bangor District Council, Chelsea Flower Show. Shown in Yorkshire Sculpture Park.


The Stonemasons Hand, Caernarfon Castle, Wales

Graeme Mitcheson
lives in Colporton, Leicestershire. Commissioned by Newcastle City Council, Wakefield City Council, Caernarfon Castle, English Heritage, Woodland Trust. Works in stone – limestone, sandstone, slate and granite, using local stone wherever possible. Created memorial tribute to Sir Bobby Robson, former England Football Manager.



Lion King inspired benches, Mosterton, Dorset

Rob Neith Nicholson
- lives in Newton Abbot, Devon. Royal commission for works at Glamis Castle, and commissions for Barrett Homes, English Heritage, National Trust. Works in oak.


Branston Sheep, Lincolnshire

James Sutton
- lives at Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire. Works commissioned by Transported Arts for North Kesteven; recently Isle of Man. Stainless steel, bronze, stone.


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