Planning Notes

Over the years we have commented on many planning applications. In some cases we have managed to secure changes to the applications, which in others we have not been successful, Sometimes we have prepared lengthy submissions which disappear from the the Council's planning pages after a decision has been made.

Rather than see our submissions be lost to history, this page will catalogue our more significant submissions and their outcome.
History will then be able to judge our position and that of the planning authority when a development becomes reality.

2022: Johnson Drinking Fountain

In 2022 we objected to the application by South Holland District Council to position the Johnson Drinking Fountain in Ayscoughfee Gardens. This application was under reference H16-0704-22 and H16-0705-22. Our Objection can be found on the link below.


The application was approved on 6 October 2022. You can find the application and the planning officer's report on the South Holland District Council's planning portal here

2023: Care home on the site of the Bull & Monkie

This is an application for the demolition of vacant Bull & Monkie public house and erection of 88 bed care home including onsite parking amenity space and associated works. The applicant is Crispen Holdings Ltd, a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands who have owned the site since 1 August 2008. The application is under reference H16-0767-23 and can be found on the South Holland District Council's planning portal here We have objected to the application. Read  our objection on the link below.


Awaiting a decision.

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