Our campaign against the blanking out of shop windows was launched in our February 2016 Newsletter. The launch article which explains the issues and offered solutions is reproduced below.
Shop window after shop window blanked-out. (They’re not empty.) It’s vinyl blight. Garish, down-at-heel, unfriendly. Footfall-killer and a real visitor turn-off. With the Halifax, Boots, B&M and other nationals as much to blame as eastern European mini-markets. Despite the best efforts of Spalding in Bloom and the Parks Department, it’s an uphill struggle against the kind of tacky street scene shown in the photographs.
These are windows that say, “Keep out,” unlike attractively set-out windows that say, ”Come in and see more.” What a difference if all our shop windows had the vitality and actuality of the Tuesday and Saturday market stalls. The town centre is selling itself short at the moment. Need it be so? Might some of the following be worth a try?
Meanwhile, attractive shop fronts can be attractive in various ways. To pick a few at random:- the browsables (Stennet’s and Inkley’s in Francis Street), the stylish (Store Twenty One and M&C in Bridge Street), the superstore that surprises by actually dressing its windows (Wilko’s), the inventive (Molsom’s Optician’s and Hill’s Department Store), and setting a standard for charity shops (the two Sue Ryder shops). If only the pictured ones made the same effort!